Mori Pills

0.18g x 200pill per bottle, 120box per carton

Recommended use:
8 pills to be taken with water 3 times a day , 15 minutes after meals.


Angelica pubescens f. biserrata root, Codonopsis pilosula root, Poria cocos, Glycyrrhiza uralensis root, Saposhnikovia divaricata root, Gentiana macrophylla root, Taxillus chinensis stem and leaf, Eucommia ulmoides bark, Achyranthes bidentata, Cinnamomum cassia bark, Angelica sinensis root, Ligusticum chuanxiong rhizome, Rehmannia glutinosa preparata root, Paeonia lactiflora root,Bulking agent (potato starch).

Du huo, Dang shen, Fu ling, Zhi gan cao, Fang feng, Qin jiao, Sang ji sheng, Du zhong, Huai niu xi, Rou gui, Dang gui, Chuang xiong, Shu di huang, Bai shao.

獨活, 黨參, 茯苓, 炙甘草, 防風, 秦艽, 桑寄生, 杜仲, 懷牛膝, 肉桂, 當歸, 川芎, 熟地黃, 白芍。